The ICO Cancer Prevention and Control Program aims to reduce the impact of cancer in the population. For this aim we research, assess and intervene on primary cancer prevention, early diagnosis, and health services research. We also develop information materials, provide health education, and offer advice to institutions, professionals and associations. The main areas of work deal with monitoring mortality, incidence, risk factors and preventive activities related to cancer prevention, research on cancer risk factors, secondary prevention and screening programs for cancer.
The program is divided in 2 units: Tobacco Control Unit and Screening Unit
Tobacco Control Unit
The main objectives of the Unit of Tobacco Control (Unitat de Control del Tabaquisme in Catalan, UCT) are to improve the current knowledge and evidence in the areas of determinants and approaches to prevent and control consumption of tobacco as well as population exposure to tobacco smoke and e-cigarettes emissions.
Unitat de Cribatges
The Screening Unit is a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in the designing, planning, development and evaluation of community programs for early detection of cancer. The Unit aims to apply the best available scientific evidence regarding cancer prevention strategies.