We have the pleasure of inviting you to the Public Launch of the INSTrUCT Programme, an «Innovative e-learning educational resource in smoking cessation» funded by ERASMUS+ from the European Commission (https://instruct-elearning.eu/).
INSTrUCT has successfully achieved an exciting number of outputs, which will share our experience in an event on the afternoon of the 14th of December 2022, in Brussels (Eurocare Headquarters, Norway House: Rue Archimède 17, (Ground Floor) B-1000 Brussels-Belgium).
During this event, we will share our key results and the implementation strategies for disseminating the components of the INSTrUCT programme within the Higher Education setting in Europe.
13:00 – 14:00 | Closing Meeting Networking-Lunch Networking with INSTrUCT Board Members and Attendees |
14:00 – 14:40 | Welcoming of the INSTrUCT Launching Event (15’): – Dr. Cristina Martínez. INSTrUCT Coordinator. Catalan Institute of Oncology – Ms Florence Berteletti, Eurocare – Dr. Oxana Domenti (WHO Representative in Brussels) – Prof. Florin MIhaltan (ENSP President) INSTrUCT Open Educational Resource (15’) |
14:40 – 15:15 | How to use the INSTrUCT OER? (15’) Experiences from teachers/students who have used it (7’) Implementation results and Policy Brief Document (15’) Questions and Answers (10’) + Coffee served to attendees |
15:15 – 16:30 | The importance of tobacco cessation in the curricula of healthcare students – Dr. Enkeleint Aggelos Mechili. University of Albania – Dr. Lilia Olefir. Director. Smoke-Free Partnership – Dr. Silvia Gómez. YERUN – Young European Research Universities Closing remarks & Farewell |
Register yourself before the 8th of December: https://forms.office.com/r/MKa5ZhPgv1.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 14th of December 2022 (registration opens at 13h).
Cristina Martinez, Principal Investigator of INSTrUCT project
Sandra Tricas-Saura, Investigator of INSTrUCT project and host of the event in Brussels
Both on behalf of the INSTrUCT Team