World No Tobacco Day 2024: our contribution to a smoke-free future

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day (31 May), the team of the Tobacco Control Unit (UCT) of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) has taken to the streets to promote a life free of tobacco and help people to quit smoking. The unit has set up several information tables at the entrance of the ICO, at the Bellvitge Campus of the University of Barcelona (UB) and, as a novelty this year, in the city centre of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat to reach a greater number of people.

People who visited the information stands received advice on how to quit smoking and were able to find out the level of carbon monoxide in their lungs. They were also given the opportunity to sign up for an informative workshop organised by the UCT to motivate them to stop smoking and start the process of quitting. At the Bellvitge campus, a number of dental, nursing and medical students took part in the activity after being trained to deliver brief smoking cessation interventions.

In addition to the information tables, the UCT, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona (UB), has produced a video aimed at young people. The video, starring medical and nursing students, debunks some of the most common myths about smoking. In addition, messages have been disseminated through social networks and members of the team have been interviewed by various media.

In parallel, the Catalan Network of Smoke-Free Hospitals actively participated in the joint preparation of Smoke-Free Week 2024, promoting the participation of the network’s centres. In addition, its Working Group on Tobacco and Mental Health prepared a series of materials and activities aimed mainly at mental health centres, as well as a manifesto supporting the normalisation of interventions on tobacco use among users of mental health services.

The Unit’s team has also been involved in a number of lectures, programmes and articles for various media:

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