
Tobacco control research with the Eurobarometer survey

June 11th, 2018 (15:30 h. – 16:30 h.) | L’Hospitalet de LLobregat, Barcelona. Spain Dr.Filippidis is a Lecturer in Public Health at Imperial College London. He has a background in medicine, health promotion, epidemiology and public health. His current research is focused on the epidemiology of tobacco and e-cigarette use, and on tobacco control policies in European

Tobacco control research with the Eurobarometer survey Read More »

El Dr. Antoni Baena participa al programa “Noticia oberta: El tabac” de Betevé

El Dr. Antoni Baena psicòleg, professor dels Estudis de Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i company de la Unitat de Control del Tabac ha participat en el programa “Noticia oberta: El tabac” de Betevé coincidint amb el Dia Mundial sense Tabac per parlar sobre les noves dades de la quantitat

El Dr. Antoni Baena participa al programa “Noticia oberta: El tabac” de Betevé Read More »

Dos hospitals catalans han rebut el ‘nivell OR’ de la Xarxa Internacional d’Hospitals Sense Fum

L’Hospital Benito Menni CASM de Sant Boi de Llobregat, i Althaia, Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa han estat reconeguts amb el ‘nivell or’ de la Xarxa Internacional d’Hospitals Sense Fum (GNTH, Global Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services). Aquesta és la màxima distinció atorgada internacionalment a aquells centres sanitaris que han demostrat importants avenços en les polítiques de control del

Dos hospitals catalans han rebut el ‘nivell OR’ de la Xarxa Internacional d’Hospitals Sense Fum Read More »

Tobacco Control Seminars: “Research on tobacco using the Eurobarometer surveys” by Prof. Filippos T. Filippidis

Research on tobacco control using the Eurobarometer surveys by  Prof. Filippos T. Filippidis Lecturer in Public Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London June 11th, 2018 (15:30 h. – 16:30 h) Locattion: ICO L’Hospitalet, “Cancer Center” classroom (1st Floor) [How to get ICO] Language: English ___________________________________________________ Dr. Filippidis is a Lecturer in Public Health at

Tobacco Control Seminars: “Research on tobacco using the Eurobarometer surveys” by Prof. Filippos T. Filippidis Read More »

Impact of an online training program in smoking cessation interventions in hospital workers’ from Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay

The Gaceta Sanitaria Journal has just published an article that evaluates the impact of an online smoking cessation training program in Latin American countries. This research shows results of The Fruitful project that was funded by Global Bridges for the period 2014-2016. The project adapted an original course designed by the Catalan Institute of Oncology

Impact of an online training program in smoking cessation interventions in hospital workers’ from Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay Read More »

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