
Infografics and videos on SHS exposure in outdoor and indoor places

One of the studies conducted within the the TackSHS Project focused on the evaluation of second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in public and private settings in several EU countries by measuring airborne nicotine. Besides the scientific publications already available in Open Access, the Public Health Agency of Barcelona Team, the leader of the study, prepared infographics and videos […]

Infografics and videos on SHS exposure in outdoor and indoor places Read More »

Participació de la UCT a la “Setmana sense Fum”

La Unitat de Control del Tabac (UCT) ha participat en diverses activitats durant la ‘Setmana sense Fum‘ que va culminar el dia 31 de maig amb la celebració del Dia Mundial sense Tabac. Aquesta iniciativa està destinada a augmentar la consciència de la població en aquest important problema de salut pública. Aquest any, i amb l’objectiu de donar a conèixer l’empremta

Participació de la UCT a la “Setmana sense Fum” Read More »

New article from the ECTEC-S study (Follow-up of a cohort of nursing students in Catalonia) published in the Journal of Professional Nursing

Researchers from the Tobacco Control Unit of the Catalan Institute of Oncology-University of Barcelona have published results on the determinants of follow-up of a cohort of nursing students from Catalonia in the Journal of Professional Nursing. Of the 4,381 participants in the baseline study conducted in the 2015-2016 academic year, 25% (1,097) participated in the

New article from the ECTEC-S study (Follow-up of a cohort of nursing students in Catalonia) published in the Journal of Professional Nursing Read More »

FIA continues accepting sponsorship from tobacco industry

FIA, a global organization that promotes motor sport, continues accepting sponsorship from tobacco industry. The organization that promotes roads safety at the same time accepts sponsorship from the industry that contributes to more than 8 million deaths worldwide each year due to tobacco consumption. Such sponsorship is not acceptable! On May 2022, Spain hosts Formula 1

FIA continues accepting sponsorship from tobacco industry Read More »

Jornada sobre la Interferencia de la Industria del Tabaco

La industria del tabaco interfiere en los esfuerzos de salud pública para el control del tabaco mediante maniobras para secuestrar el proceso político y legislativo; exagerar la importancia económica de la industria; manipular la opinión pública para obtener la apariencia de respetabilidad; fabricando apoyo a través de grupos de fachada; desacreditar la ciencia probada; e

Jornada sobre la Interferencia de la Industria del Tabaco Read More »

International Meeting “Challenges in the Implementation of Training to Quit Smoking”

On the 11th and 12th of March the INSTrUCT Project consortium held a meeting within the framework of the “International Meeting on Challenges in the Implementation of Training to Quit Smoking” in Coimbra. The event had a hybrid format, face-to-face and online, with a total of 106 participants. INSTrUCT is an educational projectfunded by ERASMUS+

International Meeting “Challenges in the Implementation of Training to Quit Smoking” Read More »

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